Food UPFlick on Food arrived, the first wiki food app!

dotmug8 years ago4 min


Flick on Food, now available on the App Store!

The Dotfarm team is proud to present the first wiki food focused on ingredients: a space dedicated to food bloggers and food fans, a new way to interact with the fascinating world of food. For the first time, it will be possible to live a food experience focused -after a long time- on ingredients, chef’s first love, protagonist of each recipe, inspiration for real artwork.

Ingredients we use every day while cooking are full of history, legends, and tricks, methods of preparation, properties and secrets. Thanks to Flick on Food and to the contribution of expert users, this knowledge will be available for everyone, for the first time all in one platform.

Flick on food’s storytelling: the wish list of Christmas ingredients

The relationship with food is something that goes in many directions. It is a necessity and a passion, a need and a discovery. The charm of recipes, the culture in each ingredient, sensations we experienced eating and memories that we associate to taste. These are all elements hidden behind a good roast or a slice of pear and chocolate cake. That is why we created Flick on Food, and that is why we decided to go live with a blog as well, a digital project that through food storytelling wants to share the love and history of ingredients.

A simple aroma is able to evoke past moments, bring light to forgotten impressions, it can also be a safe home where you can find shelter whenever you need it. It’s a unique sensation, that we can discover and rediscover. Have you ever looked for a smell, a taste just for the sake of it or to honor a tradition?

That is what happens every Christmas, when lunch is ready and the family is united. We hope to find childhood tastes that punctually every 25th of December come back to our tables. So here’s our wish list, a list of Christmas ingredients that can’t miss from any Italian table. Enjoy reading, you’ll rediscover past traces and traditional scents….

“Enjoy ingredients anytime, anywhere…”


"C’è una sola cosa orribile al mondo, un solo peccato imperdonabile: la noia". Oscar Wilde. Dalla redazione di Dotmug non ci annoiamo di certo. Sempre alla ricerca di notizie, condiviamo, twittiamo, instagrammiamo in costante connessione con il mondo digital.

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