AppTrendsHow to save Instagram Stories, and what’s next for Whatsapp

dotmug6 years ago6 min


Stickers, effects, text and filters…this is the world of Instagram Stories, which can capture the important moments of our lives, and can also promote brands and products. By now, everyone probably knows how to make stories, but the latest news is that you can now save and archive them. How? With the new Archive and Highlight functions. And very soon, you’ll also be able to share stories on WhatsApp, but let’s take it one step at a time.

How to save a story: Archive and Highlight

Instagram Story archive - - pic from Instagram Blog

Until a few weeks ago, Instagram Stories automatically deleted 24 hours after being posted, but let’s see how you can save them.

The story archive, marked with the clock icon next to your name in your profile, will let you rewatch archived stories posted since early December. Highlights, on the other hand, let you keep posts up even after 24 hours. You can find the feature between your bio and published photos. Let’s take a look at how it works:

highlight Stories Instagram - pic from Instagram Blog

  1. Tap the profile button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap the “+”, between your bio and feed to create a new highlight story.
  3. Scroll through your archive of posts and tap the circle in the bottom right of any posts you want to add to your highlights.
  4. When you’re done choosing posts, tap “next.”
  5. Give your Highlight a title.
  6. Tap “add” to save the highlight to your profile.

Instagram Stories: coming soon to WhatsApp

After buying WhatsApp and Instagram for a total of 15 billion dollars, Mark Zuckerberg has plans for sharing stories on both social platforms. That means Whatsapp will now have filters, stickers and effects too instead of just basic photos.

Menlo Park is working on a specific function that will let users post Stories directly in the messaging app, with the aim to fuse the two together, but without creating carbon copies of each other. Or at least that what we’re hoping – that all this hype isn’t just a process of homogenization that will take the fun out of using each app for its own purpose.


"C’è una sola cosa orribile al mondo, un solo peccato imperdonabile: la noia". Oscar Wilde. Dalla redazione di Dotmug non ci annoiamo di certo. Sempre alla ricerca di notizie, condiviamo, twittiamo, instagrammiamo in costante connessione con il mondo digital.

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