TrendsInstagram will be the top social of 2016

dotmug9 years ago5 min


Instagram is the top social of 2016, and numbers confirm this. It can comply with users and companies’ demands. It’s easy, direct and intuitive. Moreover, it is the perfect space to be creative.

WayUp asked  1000 students in US what was their favorite social. Facebook lost 4% of its popularity compared to last year and Instagram is getting close, only 2 points from Facebook. Instagram is better than Twitter, if we look at the number of users.

The force of Instagram: sharing and creativity

Instagram conquered millennials and teenagers. Moms and dads use Facebook and so are teens changing as a rebellious act? However, it’s not just this, there are many attractive things about this social.

First it’s easy to use. The interface is clean and intuitive, just a few taps and you can take a pic, Instagram, publish and share on other platforms. What’s more immediate than a picture?
Many users want popularity, this is undeniable. But what emerges from looking at the home page is the enormous quantity of beauty and creativity.

Instagram: the perfect environment for a brand

It’s the perfect environment for a brand. The success of the pics has educated users to have a quick but constructive use. The subjects are interesting, they are photographed naturally and creatively, with a high aesthetic level. In this way, the influencers become the brand.

The adv on Instagram are  not annoying, they fit naturally into the flow of the images. They are the only posts that allow you to insert a link with a call to action (like “find out more”). Instagram has an interaction rate 20 times greater than Twitter  and 6 times higher than Facebook . This can give an idea of the engagement a brand can get.

Cirio case: la Galleria del Sapore

The platform gives the chance to involve users and consumers by pushing their creativity. Let’s take Cirio as an example: last year they launched the contest called “Galleria del Sapore” (the gallery of taste), in partnership with Gambero Rosso, to promote the union between art and food. On Instagram, using the hashtag #galleriacirio user were invited to share pictures that portrayed the product or its usage. There were almost 500 posts. Think about how many people saw the image of their logo. Why did Cirio, an international brand, choose this social? Surely for its visual impact.


"C’è una sola cosa orribile al mondo, un solo peccato imperdonabile: la noia". Oscar Wilde. Dalla redazione di Dotmug non ci annoiamo di certo. Sempre alla ricerca di notizie, condiviamo, twittiamo, instagrammiamo in costante connessione con il mondo digital.

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