Trends#WorldCancerDay: tweet map, the voice of the world

Livia Del Pino8 years ago7 min


The #WorldCancerDay celebrates its 8th anniversary. It is a day wanted by the UICC (Union for International Cancer Control) and has the purpose of reducing the spread of the disease by 2020. The key words are prevention, fight, support and participation. Research has to be supported by everyone. It is an occasion to be informed and contribute, and today everything has become simpler thanks to social communication.

#WorldCancerDay and #WeCanICan: from words to images

This is what the organization wants. If you visit the World Cancer Day official website, the first thing you can see is the Live Tweets Map that shows live messages from all over the world. Participating is simple: you just need to write a tweet using the hashtag #WorldCancerDay or #WeCanICan. But you can also use the other ones the portal proposes, like “Investing in #CancerPrevention and #CancerControl is cheaper than dealing with the consequences”. They also decided to start a campaign on ThunderClap, the crowdspeaking platform, with a reach of almost 3 million.

On Instagram they launched another interesting initiative: Talking Hands. Look for #WeCanICan and you’ll find hundreds of incredible pictures: hands on which words of support, fight, denunciation are written and words the hashtag is made with. Right now, millions of people are receiving and sharing information on the battle against cancer.

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UICC bets everything on socials

UICC is always aware of digital incentives. For this reason, they have decided to partner with the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, an organization that in 2015 launched #NoHairSelfie the first web-based funding for the World Cancer Day. On that occasion, they raised almost two million dollars and this year they want to do it again. PMCF asks people from every nation to share online a picture of themselves with a totally shaved head. But you don’t have to shave for real… a free app has been developed so that you can apply special effects on selfies and post the picture on social networks. A simple and funny way to demonstrate your support to who has really lost his/her hair, spreading knowledge and contributing to making the organization more and more known.

The AIRC initiative: the courage to change?

In Italy, AIRC hasn’t organized anything in particular on social networks for yesterday, even if they reintroducing on Twitter the hashtag #WorldCancerDay. But it is interesting to talk about an initiative of theirs, that you can join of the website Arance della Salute (Healthy Oranges): “Hai il coraggio di cambiare?” (Are you brave enough to change?). Users will face 5 challenges: stop smoking, eat more fruit and vegetables, start exercising, stop drinking sodas and no alcohol. But these are not just good proposals: once you accept the challenge, you have to subscribe and the countdown begins. At that point, the matter becomes public domain: you can share the challenge on social networks so friends can support you. In the meantime, Airc will send you emails full of advice to take care of yourself. A very stimulating way to reduce risks for your health caused by a bad lifestyle.

Posting on socials also means having your say and sharing it with an infinite network of people all over the world.

Livia Del Pino

Rifletto spesso sull'onesta reazione di Mark Twain a una domanda insidiosa: "I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn’t know". Inseguo la conoscenza, chimera irraggiungibile, convinta che la bellezza sia proprio nel viaggio.

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