AppTrendsFacebook MeetUps: a Tinder-Like option for singles

dotmug6 years ago3 min


What if Facebook had a button that allowed users to show their romantic interests? It could probably solve the main limitation of dating apps – superficial matches and random dates. It would seem that Zuckerberg is aware of this, and especially of the fact that people have increasingly less time and use apps and social networks to connect and start relationships quickly.

MeetUps: how the algorithm for lonely hearts works

Facebook announced changes to its algorithm that would seek to favor interaction and contact among its users rather than the passive consumption of news. And so it is that, after profound changes in the new feed comes a shy, new, even awkward move in this direction: the MeetUps feature.

Meaningless interactions: the confusing side of MeetUps

While the idea behind MeetUps is not to be underestimated, its execution makes it lose its potential. Josh Constine from TechCrunch explains that the problem is that users’ intentions are not always clear. MeetUps shows numerous users in one screen, sends aggressive notifications and, above all, does not specify the type of relationship users are after. We do not know if those who have chosen us have a sentimental or platonic interest, or if their response was addressed to another user within the group. In this way, the meaningful interactions that Zuckerberg aspired to soon become meaningless. On the other hand, a feature to facilitate interactions to find one’s soul mate, just like Tinder’s Let’s Match, certainly seems more interesting. It could be named Matchmaker and it could be exactly what the colossus of Palo Alto is aiming for.



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