TrendsSecurWoman 2.0, the app against violence on women

Ilaria Trapuzzano8 years ago6 min


One out of three women has experienced physical or sexual violence. In Italy, victims in 2015 have been 6.788 billion. A phenomenon radicated in the society, something that needs to be over and that can be fought with structural interventions, like laws and decrees, everything to spread a new culture in which women must be respected and dignified.

But it’s not enough.

Technology too is an instrument and an allied that can prevent violence, at least for a short period of time. And new apps are becoming popular, apps to defend ourselves, like SecurWoman 2.0, a kind of virtual bodyguard, ready to trigger an alarm in case of necessity.

SOS launched by shaking the smartphone

The App, made by Arxit, an Italian tech agency, offers to the user the chance of connecting the smartphone to an operation center, that will interact directly with all the law enforcement agencies in the country.

Well, nothing extraordinary you might think. But the different element is in the way a potential victim can ask for help, by simply shaking their own smartphone.

Once the request for assistance has been sent, the person will be localized, and called and if she doesn’t respond to the call, an alarm will be sent to the police.

Beside this service called  “Sentinella”, SecurWoman 2.0 includes the “sport mode” with the function “tear off and alert”. This function calls for help when you unplug your headphones and there is also “Network Segnalazione”, that allows other users to know that there could be someone dangerous in the surrounding 200 mt.

The app offers 1 month free trial, and then it will cost 2.99 euros per month, that also covers the Europ Assistance insurance.

A valid instrument, that bypasses the direct emergency call, something extremely hard to do in a stressful situation. It’s not the solution against rapists and disrespectful people, but it is a quick answer for women who, every day, are scared of walking around, of waiting for the bus, walking in a park or even being at home or work. A problem that men are wrongly undertaking.

Laws are not enough, violence today can be fought with technology, as women we should use it to declare our freedom as women.

Ilaria Trapuzzano

“Il vero viaggio non consiste nel cercare nuove terre, ma nell’avere nuovi occhi” – M. Proust. Nata e cresciuta nel giornalismo televisivo, convertita al digitale per scelta inseguendo la voglia di sperimentare diverse forme di narrazione. Racconto la realtà attraverso una nuova prospettiva professionale e di vita, cercando ispirazione nelle cose universalmente belle: viaggi, cibo e buon vino.

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