StartupFlick on Food passes the first round: adding value to Made in Italy


“ The world’s first wiki food app focusing on ingredients “



The funds will be used to develop the “Food Hub”, which is a key tool in the Flick on Food app. The app will continue to internationalize and develop an ad hoc marketplace for selling products.
Milan, 5th June 2017. Dotfarm is a digital creative studio focused on the development and engagement of digital products. The Milanese agency deals with social strategy, monetization and UX design. Established in London, it was then grown in Italy by founders Michela Di Nuzzo and Leo Mauriello. They have built a Tech Club within it, which deals with analysis, benchmarking, development and design of new products to be launched on the market. The work is carried out by a dedicated team of developers, designers, product managers and content editors. FLICK ON FOOD started in 2016 as a spinoff of Dotfarm, but quickly became the main product. It Is the world’s first wiki food app, focusing on ingredients, local varieties and Made in Italy produce.

The project centers around Italy’s land and its gastronomical heritage, but with an international flavor. The free app is available for iOS and Android in Italian and English  

Primo Round Flick on Food | Da il Sole24Ore

“Users are faced with countless food apps, and need something at hand that gives them a real-time, interactive experience. This was the reason behind the collaborative ‘wiki’, which draws on collective intelligence,” says Leo mauriello, co-founder of the startup Dotfarm, and co-creator of Flick on Food.

“We realized that there were no apps on national or international markets that talked about ingredients. The themes are usually delivery, recipes and chefs, but almost never the starting materials. Galatone apricots, Pertosa white artichokes, and Trabia loquats – these are just a few local products that are relatively unknown unfortunately, but thanks to Flick on Food they can all be explored in one place,” says Michela, co-founder of the startup Dotfarm, and co-creator of Flick on Food.

This financing will allow the company to expand in 3 directions. First, by developing a MARKETPLACE with direct sales for Made in Italy products. Then, through the creation of a network dedicated to producers, chefs, foodies and consortiums (all the main players in the food industry), people will be able to buy a FOOD EXPERIENCE with strong ties to the land and its specialty products. It’s a previously unexplored way to live the ingredients right where they originate and are produced, and it adds value to the places and cultures where they come from. The third objective is to expand the target by developing a WEB PLATFORM that offers users a Total Food Experience.

For more information:


is made by Dotfarm srls
Piazzale Francesco Baracca, 2 – 20123 Milano
codice fiscale e p. IVA: 08645540967 | N. REA: MI – 2039641


fb / tw / Ig: @flickonfood

Michela Di Nuzzo

« Se scrivo ciò che sento è perché così facendo abbasso la febbre di sentire». - Fernando Pessoa Giornalista e co-founder, vivo il digital come imprenditrice e appassionata. Percepisco il cambiamento come un'opportunitá mai una minaccia. Occhi spalancati e orecchie aperte, sempre pronta alla condivisione, la chiave di ogni evoluzione.

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