AppTrendsSleep better: which sleep tracking apps to download

dotmug6 years ago7 min


Can’t sleep? There’s an app for that now too. According to market research agency Euromonitor, in 2016 the sleep business was worth 2.2 on a global scale. So it’s not hard to believe that it’s a market poised to grow. That’s especially true when you consider that 41% of Italians suffer from insomnia due to a stressful pace of life and long working days. And insomnia is one of the conditions that hits generation 2.0 partivularly hard: LED lights in smartphones, tablets, computers and TVs stimulate the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates the sleep cycle. But sometimes technology can really improve our lives: in fact, devices and apps that help users sleep better are on the rise. If it’s easy to track how many hours we sleep per night, it’s also easy to figure out the quality of our sleep. That’s why sleep monitoring apps can help keep track of natural oscillations in our sleep, providing important information to regulate our biological clocks and achieve the best rest possible.

Sleep Cycle: stop snoring with the Apple Watch app

This app for iPhone, iPad and Apple watch, can analyze your sleep as well as serving as a smart alarm clock. It uses sleep analysis technology and vibrations to identify different sleep phases by the movements of your bed. In this way, Sleep Cycle chooses the best moment to wake the user up. The 2 latest updates promise to help you stop snoring: using haptic feedback from Apple, the software can tickle your wrist with a tiny vibration (but nothing strong enough to wake you up) whenever it detects the sound of snoring. The idea is to make you change position, which then stops the snoring. This feature can improve your own sleep quality, and it can’t hurt for anyone else in the room.

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Smart Alarm Clock: to wake you up at the right time

Smart Alarm Clock monitors the various phases of sleep, provides music that encourages sleep, and you’ll wake up completely refreshed. This app is only available for iPhone. To use it, just set the alarm time, choose an alarm tone and pick the music to help you sleep. Then, with the phone resting on your mattress, the music will help you fall asleep, and the alarm will only go off at the perfect moment for you to wake up–that is, during the phase when your body is most relaxed. In this way, it improves the quality and productivity of your sleep. The app is free to download for iPhone, but there’s also a paid subscription which gives you access to all the advanced features.

Sleep Time, to improve sleep quality

Sleep Time is an app that improves the quality of your sleep. Using the app is simple and intuitive, and calculates the best time to go to seep and to wake up at the end of a sleep cycle, in order to start the day perfectly rested. Sleep Time also has another feature: you can calculate the best time to wake up if you go to bed at a certain time, or the best time to go to bed if you want to wake up at a certain time. It sends a notification in both cases. Among the other options, you can set parameters like the average time it takes for you to fall asleep once you go to bed.


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