

Michela Di Nuzzo7 years ago13 min
This isn’t a pleasant story. It’s trite, but also increasingly common… Except that in this case, there’s a paralympic athlete involved. Bebe Vio is an extraordinary and courageous young woman, and a true fighter, always ready to take the world head-on. The other party involved here is Facebook, the global giant that continues to devour the market, swallowing up all kinds of services (see Whatsapp and Instagram). What it can’t buy, it copies (Stories is...

TrendsWelcome to Monkey, The Social Video Network (No Adults Allowed)

dotmug7 years ago9 min
So yes: Monkey has made its (glorious) debut on the Italian App Store. It’s about time, at least as far as teenagers are concerned, seeing how in the few weeks since Monkey’s release, not only has it cracked the top 25 of most downloaded apps, but it’s also registered 200,000 new users. It’s no surprise when you consider that one of the two founders, the 17-year-old Australian Ben Pasternak, created the Game App Impossible Rush...

TrendsWestworld, a symbol of augmented reality

Leo Mauriello8 years ago10 min
Virtual reality isn’t a new theme. Cinema in the 90s was full of films and ideas revolving around this concept, where The Matrix was just the tip of the iceberg. Even Westworld wasn’t exactly written yesterday, since it’s a remake of the 1973 film of the same name. And yet, HBO’s TV version of Westworld is a creative and apocalyptic display – a useful key for deciphering the digital culture of millennials, who suddenly seem...


dotmug8 years ago7 min
Has it ever occurred to you to drink a bit to make and make embarrassing calls in the middle of the night? Or you have a desperate need of a sandwich to feel alive again? All the typical problems related to a crazy night out, that can now be resolved by our smartphone. How? On the App store and Google Play, you can download some apps that will help you overcome an incredibly crazy night....

TrendsPrisma: creative need satisfied

Michela Di Nuzzo8 years ago7 min
The whole world is talking about an app, a viral phenomenon. Not the usual app as many are thinking. Your picture will become works of art… We are talking about Prisma, free iOS app that in just 10 days has been downloaded 1 million times. Through a sophisticated technology that puts together A.I. and neuronal networking, Prisma analyses the layers of the image to recreate it. Not simple filters, like Instagram, but elements that deconstruct...

TrendsTotal video, personal storytelling: Facebook’s future?

Leo Mauriello8 years ago7 min
It’s a shocking news…a real surprise that invested the whole tech and economic world. Nicola Mendelsohn (a woman), Facebook EMEA vice President said: “In 5 years Facebook could become a video platform”. It is known that tech previsions are often hot air, we are talking about an economy that changes rapidly, 5 years are almost a geological era. But if it is true that an unwritten market rule is the secrecy of the goals, strategies and...

TrendsNiche, the challenge of digital content

Ilaria Trapuzzano8 years ago7 min
Snapchat, Vine, Telegram, Instagram. The invasion of social network… with the constant production of contents in different formats and narrative styles, highly targeted and sometimes, like with Snapchat, perishable. An obstacle or an opportunity for brands and magazines? It depends…certainly the diffusion of these channels offers a unique opportunity to reach new audience niches. On the other hand, it represents a challenge for businesses, that find themselves competing in a narrative environment where the protagonists...

DataSocial media keep evolving…What about television?

Michela Di Nuzzo8 years ago6 min
After Instagram’s 60 seconds, even Facebook and Snapchat announced some changes. The social media world is changing, it’s renovating, always looking for the latest trend. And instead, traditional mass media are stuck. How are the TV and press replying to this? Surely now a day, social networks are part of the narrative structure of a show, they spread the contents and amplify the coverage… In 2015 Nielsen monitored all conversations on Twitter, the ones that...